AMP totally rocks the recruiting of amazing people who also happen to be RNs, LPNs, STNAs and CNAs. Once we get 'em, we keep 'em. We have the best retention rate in the industry. And we did it the old-fashioned way...we earned it.
Call-offs suck. We've heard every excuse in the book least twice. So we don't panic when somebody is going to their granny's 9th funeral instead of to your shift...we jump into action with backup replacements and blow-your-mind incentives to re-fill that hole in your schedule.
We feel your pain. Too many needs and not enough people endangers patient care to the point that makes us want to cry. That's why we are so driven in our recruiting efforts and passionate about treating staff royally. Happy staff means working staff which means happy Schedulers and smiling DONs.
We knock your socks off with great service. You talk to the same people to confirm your shifts as you did when you called in your needs. Our Facility Team works seamlessly together to impress even the most doubtful Scheduler.
Is there anything worse than a late night call-off and the only thing you can do is leave 50 billion voicemails? Not at AMP. We don't hire any computer robot voices in our office, only real live people.
Admit it. There are some days that rattle your last nerve and the only thing to soothe your soul would be fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Delivered. Right to your desk.
Call us. We're on it. Seriously.